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Stainless steel screw companies must fight a good brand war.

The growth trend of the Stainless Steel Screw industry is becoming more and more obvious, and the stainless steel screw enterprises have raised the banner of brand upgrading. But for stainless steel screw companies, what is the brand? Is the brand just a proud promotional image, or an image of a specialty store that feels good, or a beautiful logo, or a beautiful print advertisement? ...
The stainless steel screw industry has received more and more attention in the past two years, especially since 2009, the domestic demand has expanded, and the demand for stainless steel screws has continued to increase. More and more enterprises are beginning to seek a path suitable for their enterprise development. Chinese stainless steel screw enterprises have begun to attach importance to the brand strategy and believe that the brand is the only way to develop.
In China's stainless steel screw industry, there are countless large and small manufacturers, and the development of enterprises is uneven. So, how should an enterprise deploy its own "front line" (specialty store) and "rear" (production workshop) to develop its own greater development space?
The esoteric brand theory course seems to be a little esoteric to the traditional industry, and there is no need for many companies to think hard about the theory, but every stainless steel screw owner must have a comprehensive understanding of the brand in the overall situation. It is the wish of every business executive to make his enterprise bigger and stronger, but how to make the enterprise bigger and stronger is a subject with no fixed answer, and everyone has different opinions. In fact, for enterprises, if they want to be invincible in the competition, they must take the road of branding. Top Ten Selection of HC Fasteners
To put it simply, the brand is like a long-distance highway, which is a long engineering project and must be paved in sections. The brand building of stainless steel screw enterprises should be like building a highway. Before construction, a blueprint should be designed according to the budget. How long should it be repaired? How much does it carry? How many lanes are there? ...then there is the calculation of the materials, and finally the construction. The top ten selections of HC Fasteners are aimed at these small and medium-sized brands and are committed to providing them with decent online content so that these brands have a certain reputation in the industry that they can develop faster on the brand road. This makes my country's huge stainless steel screw industry only have some small brands and a lack of big brands with international reputations.
The brand is the unified symbol of the stainless steel screw enterprise, an intangible asset that brings a premium to the owner and generates value-added. The source of value-added comes from the impression of the carrier formed in the minds of consumers. The real significance of building a brand is not only that the enterprise can obtain greater economic benefits through the brand, but its social benefits are also far-reaching. The brand is a kind of evaluation and cognition formed by consumers on an enterprise and its products, such as product quality, after-sales service, good product image, beautiful cultural value,  management results, etc. The management and management has invested huge human, and material resources and even a kind of trust with consumers built up by the long-term hard work of several generations.
The establishment of a brand must take time to accumulate, pay attention to quality, control good quality, and at the same time do a good job in the marketing of stainless steel screws. From the focus of production to the focus of marketing, for companies, production and sales are equally important and indispensable. But at present, only a good production guarantee is far from enough to support the reasonable development of stainless steel screw enterprises. Enterprises should focus on marketing. Marketing is the driving force for enterprise development. Without a good marketing strategy, it is impossible to drive the development of stainless steel screw enterprises. This is an era of channel strategy innovation. Stainless steel screw stores are the main body of marketing management, but at present, the lack of channel integration and dislocation of channel focus of many enterprises have become the main problems restricting their marketing, resulting in the insufficient driving force of market terminals, brand promotion, and marketing system construction will be affected.
Now that the brand project has been sublimated from the competition of "point" to the contest of "face", in the voice of "lack of talents", stainless steel screw bosses feel that it is too difficult to fully integrate the brand. So how do you build a brand? Let`s start with the following changes:
1. Change the brand-building personality cult thinking. The so-called personality cult is that brand building is not market-oriented and non-institutionalized, and is always oriented by the boss's subjectivity. Customer-oriented, this has become a common strategy for brand competition today. However, at present, many stainless steel screw enterprises are guided by the general manager or the boss's preferences in the process of brand decision-making, resulting in products being introduced to the market, customers do not buy "account", which seriously affects the long-term development of the brand. When the industry develops to this day, enterprises must recognize the form. The "slap in the head" can only be a thing of the past, and systematic planning is the beginning of the brand. No matter how brilliant it was in the past, now we must start from scratch, we must sit down, and seriously think about how we have come, and where should we go in the future. Facing the industry situation, where is my brand foundation? Where is the continued competitiveness?
2. Change the brand positioning in a large and comprehensive mode. Brand positioning is also called brand space. It must be targeted and use a specific brand image to attract specific target groups, rather than casting a net. Many domestic stainless steel screw companies are reluctant to sacrifice their brand positioning and believe that the larger the target market, the greater the success. The analysis has directly led to the difficulty of forming and exerting due competitiveness of stainless steel screw brands.
3. Change the manifestation of the hollowing out of the brand structure. The so-called hollowing is that the brand structure lacks the connotation of brand culture. Brand culture refers to the impression of the brand in the minds of target consumers. grant of goods. It can become a strong support point for consumers to complete their purchase behavior. At present, stainless steel screw enterprises are still operating at the level of brand awareness, ignoring the indispensable deep connotation in brand image building. On the surface of price and craftsmanship quality, it is easier to express than the connotation, so even if there is a concept of expressing cultural elements, it cannot be fully expressed in actual operation or expression.
4. Change the subjective concept of brand publicity. Every successful brand is outstanding in publicity. The publicity of well-known domestic brands is based on heuristics, which simplifies complex issues and makes people remember them fresh, thereby winning consumers' preference. At present, the brand promotion of stainless steel screws focuses on the use of educational guidance, and there can be no wishful thinking, shouting slogans or slogans flying all over the sky, and advertising for advertising.
Both economic principles and practice tell us that consumers ultimately want products with quality, reasonable prices, and emotional comfort. To survive in the industry reshuffle, it is necessary to "cultivate both internal and external", internally to improve the "internal strength" of the enterprise itself, and products are the fundamental guarantee of everything; externally, to do a good job in "packaging" and promotion, and expand more marketing channels. The clear establishment of the product's brand will help the smooth development of marketing work, help to rapidly increase market share, help to cultivate more loyal customers, and comprehensively plan from various aspects to make your brand stand out and gain market share.